Chicks on the Right
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The fans and followers of Chicks on the Right have been promoting conservative values and ideas for the past 13 years, in a way that resonates! With the two co-founders, Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark (the original Chicks!) at the helm of their community, and their faithful "tailgaters" and regular commenters cheering them on, the Chicks on the Right aim to keep the fire of conservative optimism burning for years to come!
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March 14, 2025

This is a letter I wrote to Hillary after she told everyone in India that white women were robots who did everything our husband's told us. I never heard back.

Thank you, Hillary, for telling India that just because I'm white and married that my husband has to tell me what to do, how to think and how to vote. Are you still angry that you lost the dictatorship you had planned? Trump became president because people were sick to death of the thought of carrying on with the same old thing. You are one of The most ridiculous people in this country. You think we should be embarrassed by Trump? I'm very embarrassed by you. And one other thing -- my husband is the sort who knows he can't tell me what to do. We are a couple who have independent ideas and thoughts from each other. He voted the Other Party. That's Libertarian, in case you forgot, Hillary. Believe it or not, I am capa ...

ble of making a decision of my own, on my own. If something is right, I do it. If something is wrong, I don't do it. I knew that voting for you was absolutely wrong for this country so I didn't do it. Those who didn't vote for Obama weren't racist. Those who didn't vote for you weren't racist. We didn't vote for you because you're evil. That's not racist, it's good common sense. You want to divide this country. Obama started it and you wanted to bring it to the finish line. You lost, now you need to sit down and shut up like the white wife you are!!

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Opie therapy!

Everyone can use a little Opie therapy on a Saturday morning.

🤠❤️ ~Daisy

We were on OANN yesterday!

Daisy and I are back home after an absolutely amazing week in Costa Rica with some of our new besties! We are already thinking about where we might travel with y'all in 2025. Hawaii, anyone? :D

Anyway, thanks to Insider Donna Birch and her photo/video montage skills, we wanted to share one of our favorite days from the whole trip - the sunset catamaran cruise. BEST DAY EVER!

See y'all at 8am ET on Monday, January 8th during the morning livestream!

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I apologize if I'm not the first to share this, but know this group will appreciate!

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My husband had to go to a Kansas City radio station today for work where a celebrity DJ was laid off last week. Turns out this was one of the stations that Soros purchased and he is making cuts all across the board. Funny how that isn’t making the headlines with liberals.

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