Chicks on the Right
News • Politics • Culture
The fans and followers of Chicks on the Right have been promoting conservative values and ideas for the past 13 years, in a way that resonates! With the two co-founders, Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark (the original Chicks!) at the helm of their community, and their faithful "tailgaters" and regular commenters cheering them on, the Chicks on the Right aim to keep the fire of conservative optimism burning for years to come!
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September 07, 2024

I never thought I'd see Chrysler supporting Trump!

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We were on OANN yesterday!

Daisy and I are back home after an absolutely amazing week in Costa Rica with some of our new besties! We are already thinking about where we might travel with y'all in 2025. Hawaii, anyone? :D

Anyway, thanks to Insider Donna Birch and her photo/video montage skills, we wanted to share one of our favorite days from the whole trip - the sunset catamaran cruise. BEST DAY EVER!

See y'all at 8am ET on Monday, January 8th during the morning livestream!

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My kids just registered to vote today...they have always been tuned out of politics, just like me at their age...but, they have woke up, and I am dooo proud...🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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September 15, 2024

Hello COTR Family
Was it in this group that someone mentioned the latest scam where they send you an email with your name,address, and phone number included? I read something about it, thinking how weird it would be, and my husband just got the email. It says all kinds of things that could freak someone out. He didn't actually open the email, or click on attachment with his name, so not sure what end game is.
Be alert and stay careful out there!

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