Chicks on the Right
News • Politics • Culture
The fans and followers of Chicks on the Right have been promoting conservative values and ideas for the past 13 years, in a way that resonates! With the two co-founders, Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark (the original Chicks!) at the helm of their community, and their faithful "tailgaters" and regular commenters cheering them on, the Chicks on the Right aim to keep the fire of conservative optimism burning for years to come!
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We were on OANN yesterday!

Daisy and I are back home after an absolutely amazing week in Costa Rica with some of our new besties! We are already thinking about where we might travel with y'all in 2025. Hawaii, anyone? :D

Anyway, thanks to Insider Donna Birch and her photo/video montage skills, we wanted to share one of our favorite days from the whole trip - the sunset catamaran cruise. BEST DAY EVER!

See y'all at 8am ET on Monday, January 8th during the morning livestream!


Wasn't it Memorial Day like 3 minutes ago??? 🙈

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I WAS raised in a middle class, blue collar home. My parents weren’t biomedical scientists or professors. My dad worked in a factory and was later promoted to foreman.
When I was in my early 20’s I was a single mother. I worked in a commercial art studio as an apprentice. My child care was paid for through a government program. When I received a 25 cent an hour raise I was cut off that program. I couldn’t believe that a “raise” would actually decrease my monthly income.
I drove to the welfare department in Milwaukee. It was in a horrible area and I was very uncomfortable waiting to speak with someone. I explained my situation to the employee at the department. She basically told me I was stupid to be working because I would be better off financially if I quit my job. I was furious! I won’t repeat what I said to her.
I was living in an apartment building and there was a single mother living across the hall from me. She had nicer furniture than me and was driving a ...


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